
Thursday, October 27

Robotics 101

Robotics, an advanced club, wants to get students interested in science and technology by building and programming Lego robots with a group of peers.
Two teams of nine students are participating in the robotics club this year. The goal of each team is to build a robot that will accomplish a certain task. This task is determined by the FLL’s (First Lego League) annual competition. The competition requires students to build a robot using LEGO MINDSTREAMS to earn points in 2.5 minute matches on a themed playing field. This year’s theme is Food Factor and the students will be competing on a food themed playing field.
The club meets up every Thursday to work on their robot to have them ready for the upcoming North Texas FLL Regional Qualifiers on December 3rd. Although they admit it is hard work, they also enjoy building the robot and making it as good as possible for the competition.
We wish them the best of luck in their upcoming competition, but either way knowing they tried their hardest will make our school proud and should leave them with a great satisfaction of accomplishment.
Article By: Raquel Galvan