
Thursday, October 27

Our Trip to Harmony Dallas

On Wednesday, October 19th, 9th and 10th grade went on a field trip to Harmony Dallas for a college fair. At the college fair students walked around and visited different stands. They also got information and pamphlets about the different colleges, the police force, and the army. The students also got a chance to tour Harmony Dallas and get snacks. Miranda, Kiana, Saadman, and Eddie were 4 students who attended the college fair.

Miranda thought the field trip was very beneficial and she knows now what colleges to look at. UT, Miranda’s dream college was there, but she also saw some other colleges that she might want to go to. Texas Tech and Baylor were 2 of the colleges Miranda is now interested in. Miranda also signed up for the mailing list for Texas Wesleyan University. She said that Texas Tech sparked her interest because of the different things the man was telling her. Although Texas Tech, seemed interesting she still really wants to go to UT because, “It’s far enough away from my parents, but close enough to drive home.” she stated.
Kiana said the field trip was fun and a “good way to look at different colleges, and see which one you might want to go to.”  Kiana was excited to see UNT her dream college was there. While she was there she visited the UT stand and is now thinking about going there, because they have a good teaching program. Even though UT has a good teaching program her main focus is still going to UNT. She wants to go to UNT because she likes the color, it’s close to home, and her uncle goes there.

Not everybody liked the field trip. Saadman thought “It sucked, and the people didn’t know what they were talking about.” Another reason he didn’t like it was because his dream college TCU was not there, and no other colleges sparked his interest. His mind is set on going to TCU.

Eddie thought the field trip was pretty nice. His dream college Texas Tech was there. He said that none of the people influenced his decision on going to a different college or going to the army.  “I don’t want to get killed.” Was his answer as to why he doesn’t want to go to the army. His mind like, Saadman, is made up and is set on going to Texas Tech.

In the end most people thought the field trip was a good experience and they learned new stuff about the different colleges that they didn’t know before. All of them have a pretty good idea of what college they want to go to now.

Article By: Sha’Kaela McCurdy