
Tuesday, October 18

Math Olympics

Do you have what it takes to compete in math? If you do then you should join the Math Olympiad team. This team will be very dedicated in competing in math against different teams. This team is very good in the field of math and can be very competitive.
Two students currently on the team are Rishi and Jairo, who are both very talented in math. Their Math Olympiad mentor, Mrs. Aksoy, has acquired a degree in the field of math and will try hard to help this team succeed. Rishi and Jairo both joined this team because they both want to prepare for SAT and improve their math skills. When asked about their team, Jairo liked it unlike Rishi who disliked the team. The reason Rishi doesn’t like the team is because he doesn’t like math, while Jairo likes and also enjoys his time on the team.
The mentor of this team will be Mrs. Aksoy who is also a gemometry teacher. “I hope to see my students succeed in a competition,” says Mrs. Aksoy. She hopes to encourage her students to use math in their daily lives.
So if you have what it takes to compete in the field of math, then you should join the Math Olympiad team. Both students hope for a bright future and life in the mathimatics field. So join the team and show some harmony pride!
Article by: Saadman Khan