
Thursday, December 8

Catching Fire Book Review
The book Catching Fire is a second novel series of The Hunger Games. It was one of the New York Times Bestsellers by Suzanna Collins.
Sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen who is reader’s favorite character for her strong will, came back home from attending a survival game known as The Hunger Games. The book is as thrilling as the first with new people as their favorite characters such as Finnick, Beetee, and Plutarch along with their old favorites that will make you want to keep reading. Even famous authors such as Stephen King, John Green, and Stephenie Meyers couldn’t stop reading.
Everyone had the same experience of feeling intense, shocked, sympathy, awe, and relieved at certain events of this book.  Most people find the most intense part was when they have to fight again to stay alive in the arena. Their favorite part that got them relieved was when they broke out a nd escaped from the suffering that the Capitol makes them face in the arena.
The Catching Fire book is very unpredictable which will make you want to know what happens next as you go along. Everyone would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense, action, and adventure.  This book will meet your expectations if you thought the first book was epic that will get you emotional.
Article By: Dacia Zavala