
Thursday, November 3

Tigers Are Drug Free

Tiger’s Are Drug Free

Here at HSI, we had drug free week. This week encourages people not to do drugs. Every day during this week kids could wear certain things to support drug free week. Sha’Kaela and I went and interviewed four (4) different people and asked them what they thought about this year’s drug free week.
Kiana said she participated by wearing her ribbon all week, and by not doing any drugs. Kiana was a lucky winner of the daily raffle drawing, but she never claimed her prize. Kiana did not like this year’s drug free week because she thought “it was lame and not as good as other schools.”
Jesus didn’t participate in this year’s drug free week because he said he “was not interested.” Unlike Kiana, he did not win a prize.  He didn’t like this year’s drug free week because he thought “it wasn’t really needed.”
Dacia, did not participate either, because she “just didn’t want to.” She also did not win a prize. She thought this year’s drug free week was pointless and “not worth participating.” She didn’t think it was better than last year’s.
Saadman was another person who didn’t like drug free week. He didn’t participate because he said that he “could care less” about it. He also did not win a prize. Saadman thought that this year’s drug free week “sucked.”
Kiana, Jesus, Dacia, and Saadman all agree that this year’s drug free week was unsuccessful. Maybe next year’s drug free week will top this one.

Article by: Isabelle Arriaga and Sha’Kaela McCurdy