
Tuesday, November 1

Real Steel the Movie

Real steel is a movie about a man his name is Charlie and he fights robots for a living, he gambles on every fight, but the bad thing about it is that he gambles money he don’t have. Then after the fights he runs away from the place because he lost. One day he was at a rodeo and he made a beat with the owner of the rodeo and the beat was that his robot will fight a bull; it was all going good for Charlie till he got distracted by a pretty young lady in the stands then in a blink of an eye the bull hit the robot straight in the leg and with that hit Charlie’s robots was done. So Charlie owes another man $ 50,000 dollars but once he was about to leave some guys in suits where at his truck waiting for him and they said that Charlie’s ex girlfriend had died and that he had to go to court to find out who going to get custody of max Charlie’s son. When Charlie got to court there was max’s aunt and her husband. Max’s aunt wanted max to be with them because her husband was very rich and Charlie wasn’t. So Charlie told max’s aunt husband that if he gives them 100,000 dollar’s he will let max live with them.  But max’s aunt was going to Italy for the summer and max had to stay with his dad Charlie for the summer
. Nether Charlie or max wanted to be with each other, but they both had something in common they both like fighting robots. With the money Charlie got he bought a new robot for $ 45,000 and the robots name was noise boy but he noise boy didn’t last long he was a different robot it was from the big boy league and when it got in the ring Charlie didn’t know how to control it so the robot got destroyed on its first fight. So Charlie and max went to the junk yard only for robots where there they found a robot named Atom, but he wasn’t a fighting robot he was a sparing robot he was build to get hit not to fight. But later on Charlie and Max started to get along a started working as a team and teach Atom how to box. Then all three of them gamble on fights like at zoo’s and carnivals. One day they won a fight at the zoo and there was a man who invited them to fight with the big boys and be on TV and from that point together as a team they fight and win every fight till one day Max a 11 year old kid changes the best, undefeated, incredible robot, no one has ever lasted a full round with this robot. And Atom was going up next with this monster robot. This monster robot beats Atom like a dirty rag across and around the ring for the first round. But then they start getting in the game and start fighting back and they last that long till the last round by the end of the round Atom is about to kill the robot and the bell rang and it was the end of the fight and it was all up to the judges…… but Atom did not win the fight but the people did not agree so they call Atom champ of the ring.
This movie was not based on a true story. But it kind of related to the Rocky movie because it’s motivating to get up and try the impossible and meet your goal even though people that don’t believe in and talk down to you. It is one of the most inspiring movies I had ever seen. Because even though it was about fighting robots it was still motivating, even though the movie was a bit cheesy due to the fighting robots it was still very interesting to watch for all the action packed sense’s. in my opinion, this is a movie worth seeing.         
 Article by: Eddie