
Tuesday, November 1

Harmony’s Safety Committee

The vast programs in Harmony have a good reputation, but one group stands out in front of everything else: Harmony’s Safety Committee. Harmony’s Safety Committee consist of 4 members:  Mrs. Jordan, Mr. Yohanness, Mrs. Harris, and Ms .Stevens. This committee contains a great deal of significance and in the utmost importance.
Harmony’s Safety Committee’s goal is to ensure safety for Harmony. “We are responsible for the safety of everybody in school.” , said Mrs. Harris, a member of Harmony’s Safety Committee. In addition, one of the goals of Harmony’s Safety Committee is to protect our safety.
Harmony’s safety Committee has plans and goals to protect Harmony; but what do they do? “We plan the fire drill, tornado, and lockdown procedures”, explained Ms. Harris. So that’s where we get all the fire drills from! The reason why we have fire drills, tornado drills and lockdown procedures is because we have to practice if there was a dangerous situation. Harmony Safety Committee is there: “To keep you safe!” acknowledged Mr. Yohannes.
As Harmony students what can we do to help? “By taking every single drill serious because it is a matter of life and death.” added Mr. Yohannes.  Students must take every drill seriously if there was a real-life situation. If we didn’t have drills, then chances are when something bad happens we will not be prepared for it.
Safety is one of Harmony’s greatest priorities. Therefore, we should be grateful that we have a Safety Committee that looks after us. Harmony’s staff, faculty, and students deserve the best protection that we can get. We will be prepared in a treacherous situation, because Harmony Safety Committee is there for us.                                                                         Article By: Mehrin Ali