
Friday, October 28

Cafeteria Food Is It Worth Your Money?

Is cafeteria food worth your money? In Harmony, most of the students prefer to bring lunch from home instead of lunch from school. The students who do buy cafeteria food usually throw away their food. Cafeteria food does not only just not appeal to students it also doesn’t taste very good. There are many reasons why a student would not prefer school lunch over home brought lunch.
One of the many problems schools face are how to not only make lunch nutritional but also make it appealing to one’s eyes. This doesn’t usually doesn’t work out. The reasons are that organic food does not taste as good as, say artificial food. For example, fried chicken taste better than baked chicken or regular chips taste better than baked chips. So when schools serve healthy and nutritional foods, most students prefer not to buy it.
Another problem is that most schools have a hard time trying to encourage students to buy lunch from school. The reasons are that most cafeteria foods are also not bought by teachers either. So if there are no leading role models, student will not attempt to try to buy lunch in the cafeterias. When schools try to improve on nutritional fact they forget to also improve the appealing looks of a food. So the outcome is that students prefer to bring lunch then buy them.
So is cafeteria food worth your money? Personally I would say no, because I like my lunches to be tasty and help keep me energized. It just depends on how you look at the cafeteria food. Everyone have their own taste in food because if we didn’t there would never be new dishes to serve!
Article By: Saadman Khan