
Tuesday, January 10

New Music

It’s a new year which means there are going to be a whole new set of music that are going to be released this year. Since music has changed over the years from The Beatles to Muse, people have new favorites overtime. I think music has been getting better and better every year as new bands or artists started being recognized such as Adele and Justin Beiber. But people like Cara thinks music gets worse throughout the years. “I think bands like Linkin Park just got worse when they released their new album A Thousands Suns because it was really not the kind of music they used to make”. I guess some people don’t have favorites because they just listen to different kinds of artists depending on how good their albums are. People like me hardly change their favorite type of music they listen to all their lives, but people like Valon just listen to the best ones.

There may be new kinds of music you like or don’t like but there will be new upcoming artists or bands that are willing to bring new ideas of music so they could bring happiness to all who listens.

Article By: Dacia Zavala