
Tuesday, January 17

Auditioning For The Big Screen

Rohan Kapoor just came back from a trip to Los Angeles. He went to audition for many shows such as Nicklelodeon, Disney, ABC and more. "It was fun, it was HOT there, it was a hassle, you had to wake up everyday at eight o'clock in the morning." he told me when i asked him how it was going to Los Angeles. Apparently it was his first time going, so it was a very exciting trip. His mom was the only one who went with him because it cost about 8,000 dollars for both of them.

When i asked him, what made him want to try , he smiled and said "So one day , we were listening to the radio and this advertisement came out. My mom asked me if I wanted to do this and I said yeah, I went home and made a commercial for the audition, then they told me to make a commercial Bubble Hubble . Then I went to the auditions and after had a bunch of acting classes.

"Well technically, I didn't really audition for a special show , I was auditioning for Nick, ABC, Disney and others, I was in front of 500 judges." When i asked him how he felt in front of those judges, he simply said "Not nervous, excited."

I really think this is something really interesting, he said it was one of his greatest experiences so far.  He's on his way to what they say "greatness", i really do hope he makes it all the way.
Article by: Stephenie Navarro