
Thursday, December 8

You and Your Best Friend

Many of us can say we do have someone we call our “best friend”. They can be the weirdest, most obnoxious person in the school but they make you feel as you can do anything and they will never judge you.
Trustworthiness, friendliness, sweetness and loyalty,” is what Ly-ann said were the traits she likes the most of her best friends. “Funny, laid-back, doesn’t take jokes seriously,” is what Valon said he likes about his best friend.  Overall many of us don’t really look for a best friend, but we tend to be attracted more to people who can relate a lot to us, calling them our “best friends”.
When were with them we tend to do the craziest stuff, “We skateboarded off the roof,” said Saadman laughing. “We stole milk for Oreos from the school,” said Raquel blushing. Even if the moments are really cheesy, we tend to enjoy them and remember them for the rest of our lives.
When it comes to asking how long they plan to stay with their best friends, everyone answered forever. In the end, it really doesn’t matter who it could be, the jockey, the nerd, the prep, the weirdo, the loner, if they make you feel like you can laugh and do whatever without getting judge, I say you call them, your true “best friend”.

Article by: Stephenie Navarro
Picture by: Stephenie Navarro
Picture of::  Rebecca and Bayelee