In Harmony School of Innovation, our baby tigers are learning to protect themselves from other bullies. These kids learn the art of martial arts to defend their selves from other bullies that can cause a threat. I think it’s a great way to help stop bulling. Tae-kown-do originated from South Korea as a way to train their military in hand to hand combats. During 1950 tae-kown-do was changed into a sport as a competition in the Olympics. Before weapons, early Koreans fought with their fists and legs, and only a selected few were selected to be trained by masters.
Tae-kwon-do means “the way of the hand and the foot”, so it can be conclude that these kids are using their hands and feet to protect themselves from bullies. The kids learn different techniques to teach these young kids self confidence, discipline, and confidence. Our young tigers are trying to put a stop bullying through a peaceful violence. These kid are taught not use this unless they are attacked first, only under this condition can they fight back. Hopefully this group of students will put an end to bullying and help create a safe learning environment for the future.