The jocks, the preps, the nerds, the band geeks, etc., you’ve probably heard them all. These are the stereotypical differentiated groups that have come to be part of everyday school life. These categorized groups, often known as cliques, have come to play an important role in the average American school life. Whether you’re part of one of these groups or not they’re easily found in every middle/high school in America.
A clique is used to describe a group of people who regularly interact and have a similar interest or way of thinking. These groups can have both a negative or positive effect on an individual, by either making them feel out of place, or on the other hand, building a comfort zone in which they can be themselves. Often the pressure to fit in is the most negative side of cliques and it is what causes most problems. When a student body is separated into different groups of idealism an individual feels the need to fit and change themselves to be able to fit into their desired clique.
So what do students at Harmony think about cliques? when asked whether they thought cliques brought a negative or positive effect on the student body Stephenie from 10A said "It depends on who you hang out with, if you hang out with the wrong people, you might get looked at as a bad person." Cara from 9A says "Our school is so small they kinda intertwine", referring the different cliques in Harmony, while others believe there are no cliques at Harmony due to such a small student body.
Whether it is for positive or negative, cliques make up a very important subject in school life. The jocks, the preps, the geeks, and everything that comes along with cliques, after all, is what makes up the school experience.
Article By: Raquel Galvan