How does the average American teen spend their day? School, activities, homework, and do not forget Facebook. With the rise of social networking, more and more kids are clocking in hours, on the internet that is.
According to a study by Neilsen media research, the average Facebook user spends seven hours per month on the site. This may not seem like much until you look at the rates for other top sites. The "top parent company" as of 2010 was Google. This number one contender only had two hours per month. When every other listed website received a declining user report, Facebook usage went up by about 10% per month.
Not all of the Harmony students are falling in with the rest of the world. Prakash in 7B spends less than five minutes per day on the site. He says it is occasionally useful "for homework and things. "Another Facebook user in tenth grade, Stephenie, says she also only spends around five minutes per day. When asked if she thought it was useful, she replied, "I guess to talk to people you haven't seen in a while. Other than that I think it's kind of useless."
So is that seven hours per month really necessary? As Stephenie said, "you could be doing your homework instead."
Article By: Cara Loehding
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