
Friday, December 2


It’s about that time of year again that year books come up to be bought. This year’s yearbook was made by Ms. Eames and Mrs. Kemper, whom volunteered for the job. According to Ms. Eames they want to make the yearbooks more grown up than the years pasted which they did a lovely job doing.
The Yearbook’s layout is gorgeous and or teen like than last year’s candy layout last year. I myself have seen some of the yearbook’s pages and despite the tacky colors I’m hooked on buying it. One of the new fetches included this year is the different sessions like sports, clubs, student life and more. In one long and hard Saturday they came up with this layout and are selling their hard work for $5 less than what it is only for those whom preorder.
The full price is $35 once there out, so preorder the books and save the $5 and use those five dollars to get the special yearbook. Yes there is a special yearbook you can get for a small few. With this you can get you name put in the bottom left corner of the book’s cover and you can put do das on the front of the book like base balls, foot balls, and other stuff.  So go preorder a yearbook now!
Article by: James.r.Jorgensoniii