The animated movie, Happy Feet 2, was released on November 18 starring Elijah Wood, P!nk, Elizabeth Daily, Sofía Vergara, and Robin Williams. Directed by George Miller, this PG comedy about an Antarctic animation is for family fun times.
The movie Happy Feet 2 was really entertaining but was not as good as the first movie, Happy Feet. They were both good but also really different from each other. The first one brings out suspense and mystery while the second one doesn’t bring out much action into it. If you really enjoyed the first Happy Feet then the second one won’t meet your expectations as you thought it would have. What I can say is that it was a real disappointment if you wanted more singing, action, and humor like Happy Feet had.
This movie may not bring out your expectations like the first Happy Feet did, but really brings out the fun with your family and is worth watching for the kids.
Article by: Dacia Zavala