
Thursday, February 2

The One Act Play Moments

One Act Play, a play in which eight girls from Harmony participated in a play but only six girls came home with awards. Ms. Jordan, coach of the One Act Play and the girls were ranked first place in the state. The One Act Play had a fairy tale theme.
Nichole, the protagonist of the play said, “The hardest part of the play was memorizing the lines and getting out the props on time.” Nichole played the most important part of the play because she was the main character, however she said she felt energetic. Laynie played as the queen and she stated, “Memorizing, awkward looks and criticism were the hardest thing about the play, but I love my role.” Zariana’s role was an evil villain, whom she loved her role also. What these girls have in common is that they played in a play before.
Despite the fact that only six girls received awards but the school itself received 1st place in State. We congratulate Ms. Jordan and the participants who participated.
Article by: Jesus Barrera