
Tuesday, February 7

Middle School Experience

Everyone moves grades, from first to second , second to third, but what happens if you have to move to a whole other grade, school. From the walls of Elementary, to the doors of a whole new experience, middle school.

Chelsea Navarro , 6C, says " it has gotten harder, they except more from you, also it feels different. " She states "Math has gotten harder, The teachers are stricter." Valeria Conde, 6C, states that "she doesn't really feel different but she also agrees that the classes have gotten harder." When I asked them if they were having fun, they both said "yes, meeting new people, making friends is really fun!" says Chelsea.

For me, middle school years were fun. It really depends on how you look at a new experience. In my opinion, this was a fresh start, a new beginning to another memory.
Article By: Stephenie Navarro